Understand IT in 15 minutes
For non-programmers, this topic can seem intimidating but it shouldn’t have to. To know why, here is a brief explanation of IT using basic mathematics.
How computers work
Computers are not always as we think they are. They come in various shapes and sizes, many of which are monitor- and keyboard-less. So what makes a computer?
How software engineers spend their time
This article explores the emotion curve of software engineers to help other parts of the organisation work better with them to achieve a common goal.
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What is Linux?
Like any other OS in the market, the Linux system forms the core of computers, bridging the hardware and user interactions - and it’s free.
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How to install raspi-config on Ubuntu
Learn what raspi-config is used for and how to install it on Ubuntu.
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How to create an Ubuntu bootable SD card
A step-by-step guide to creating a bootable SD card that is powered by Ubuntu.
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